Work package 3

WP3: Capacity Building in Stellar Spectroscopy

Lead beneficiary: Austrian Academy of Sciences


  • O3.1 Ensure the adoption of state-of-the-art tools and methods for processing, modelling, and analysing stellar spectra at UTARTU, gaining speed from automation and software pipelines where possible (in both reduction and modelling/fitting)
  • O3.2 Enhance UTARTU capacity to apply stellar spectroscopy in the context of formation, evolution, and structure of stars and their planetary systems
  • O3.3 Develop a data processing pipeline for the new echelle spectrograph, currently in procurement and due to be installed at UTARTU in 2023, with the explicit goals of maximal automation to support science activities, modular software design to facilitate future software improvements, and ease of accessibility of high-level astronomical data from Tartu Observatory
  • O3.4 Complete the implementation and validation of a Bayesian or machine learning based fitting approach for the Zeeman stellar spectral synthesis code currently in use at UTARTU .
  • O3.5 Gain competence and experience in processing and analysis of large spectral datasets
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